Team Work Creating A Difference In Competition

Original Title: Rekabette Fark Yaratan Ekip Çalışması

First Edition: 2003
Edition Language: Turkish
Remzi Kitabevi Publications 72 Pages
Publication Date: 12/2003
ISBN: 978-975-14-0949-2

Team Work Creating A Difference In Competition

Accord in the team is perceived by many as good relationships and the absence of problems within the team. In such an environment aiming at not having any problems in human relationships, nobody forces another, priorities of business are not given the required attention. The price of such an “accord” is paid by the institution. Successful teamwork is achieved by changing this attitutde. The aims of team leaders should be to catch the synergy by turning conflicts to understanding, to obtain their demands without force and being forced, to focus on the corporate values and not on their egos.


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